Bible Classes at Reel Rd.
At the Reel Road Church of Christ, we place a strong emphasis on Bible study. Dedicated teachers prepare class material based on the Bible and work with students to emphasize the truths contained in God’s word. We offer classes for all ages – from six months old through adult. Each class offers age-appropriate instruction, activities and drills. Sunday morning classes begin at 9:00 AM and Wednesday classes start at 7:00 PM. We welcome you to come and participate in our Bible classes with us.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
-II Timothy 2:15
Teachers use a variety of materials to demonstrate stories and lessons from the Word of God in Bible classes every week on both Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. If you are looking for studies that focus on the Bible and include application to daily life today, please attend one of our classes. Our desire is to further the knowledge and understanding of God's Word in children and adults of all ages.
Adult Classes
Adult classes meet in the building's main auditorium, and include two ongoing lesson series, one each Sunday at 9:00 AM and a different series each Wednesday at 7:00 PM. These lessons, sometimes topical, sometimes textual, are designed to give a complete look at both the Old and New Testaments. Watch this space to see what topics and passages will be covered in upcoming classes.
Infant (6-18 months)
Bible classes begin at the age of six months at the Reel Road church. Even at this early age, children are able to begin picking up basic principles about God and the Bible. This is not a babysitting service, but a structured environment tooled toward the needs of our little ones. Teachers emphasize concepts about God and stories from the Bible through basic manipulatives, singing, and simple stories.
Toddler (18-36 months)
At the age of 18 months, students begin a journey through God’s Word using a curriculum designed especially for toddlers by the teachers at Reel Road. From the moment students arrive, activities and discussions about God and His creation instruct and engage them. Over the course of 18 months, the eager-to-learn toddlers cover this special series of lessons designed to emphasize God in their everyday lives, as stories from the Bible come to life.
Pre-School (3 years - Kindergarten)
Pre-school children and kindergartners come together for Bible class at the Reel Road church. Though many children cannot read at this age, the Word of God plays the key role in instruction here. Utilizing a shared curriculum that begins with pre-schoolers and ends with the sixth grade, students are presented with lessons that take them through the full Bible in four years, emphasizing age-appropriate concepts and applications. Families with children from 3 years old up through the sixth grade will benefit from their children studying the same Bible texts, and can take advantage of family Bible study easily in preparation for class.
First-Third Grade
First through third graders read selected texts from their Bibles and study together, emphasizing concepts that are relevant and understandable to children their age. Utilizing a shared curriculum that begins with pre-schoolers and ends with the sixth grade, students are presented with lessons that take them through the full Bible in four years, emphasizing age-appropriate concepts and applications. Families with children from 3 years old up through the sixth grade will benefit from their children studying the same Bible texts, and can take advantage of family Bible study easily in preparation for class.
Fourth-Sixth Grade
Fourth through sixth graders prepare for more advanced Bible classes as they study from God’s word and complete discussions on the day’s reading. Utilizing a shared curriculum that begins with pre-schoolers and ends with the sixth grade, students are presented with lessons that take them through the full Bible in four years, emphasizing age-appropriate concepts and applications. Families with children from 3 years old up through the sixth grade will benefit from their children studying the same Bible texts, and can take advantage of family Bible study easily in preparation for class. Students who have been in the Bible class program since the age of three, by the time they complete the sixth grade, will have studied through the entire Bible two full times!
Junior High & High School
The Junior High and High School students at the Reel Road church study a variety of lessons that cover topical, expository, biographical, and historical formats. This discussion-based class, presented on an adult level, emphasizes a full comprehension of the Word of God and the need for being able to study and use the Bible effectively. Ongoing drills seek to help students learn the general content of all 66 books of the Bible and to understand how the whole scheme of redemption unfolds through the scriptures. Our desire is a strong working knowledge of the scriptures! Students also complete at-home assignments from time to time and present them to the class to help them become more comfortable in participating in a discussion class. Additionally, teachers remain flexible, such that as timely topics and questions come up, they can be addressed together.